Decoding Data Types

Clara L.
3 min readNov 13, 2023

From Basic to Advanced in Programming

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If you want to learn how to program, you need to understand data types. Data types are the basic elements that make up any programming language. They are like the atoms of the code world. You can use data types to create more complex data structures that can store and manipulate information. In this blog post, we will take a look at different kinds of data types, from the most simple to the most advanced.

Primitive Data Types: The Foundation

1️⃣Integer (int)

An integer represents whole numbers, excluding decimal points.

Examples include 0, 8,-6 and 31.

2️⃣Float (float)

A float is reserved for numbers with decimal points or expressed in scientific notation.

Examples include 5.2487and -1.49.

3️⃣Boolean (bool)

A boolean is the gatekeeper of truth, representing true or false values.

Examples include True and False.

4️⃣Character (char)

A character captures a single character.

Examples include ‘s’, ‘$’, and ‘7’.

5️⃣String (str)



Clara L.

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